Williams Lake & Area
The Williams Lake & Area Community Wildfire Preparedness Roundtable supports the the region’s community wildfire plan by facilitating coordination and communication of organizations responsible for wildfire preparedness and risk reduction in the region.
As a backdrop, in late 2018 the City of Williams Lake, in cooperation with Cariboo Regional District, Williams Lake Indian Band and Xat’sull, completed and endorsed a new Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The plan has since been updated to April 2020.

The CWPP was developed through collaboration with emergency services, BC Wildfire Service, the forest industry, BC Timber Sales, woodlot licensees, the community forest, the provincial government and various interest groups. The Fraser Basin Council supported this collaboration, with assistance from local forestry consultants.
The Williams Lake & Area Community Wildfire Roundtable was created in June 2019 to support the CWPP. It does so by facilitating coordination and communication of organizations responsible for wildfire preparedness and risk reduction in the region.
The area covered by the Williams Lake & Area CWPP is shown on this Area of Interest map. The area extends from Soda Creek in the northwest, parallels the Fraser River south to English Road, to Knife Creek in the southeast, and to Miocene and Rose Lake in the northeast.
Williams Lake & Area CWPP Maps
Here is the set of maps (PDF) that support the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
Completed Treatments Map
The following map shows completed and planned wildfire risk reduction treatments, including interface fuel treatments, landscape scale fuel breaks and prescribed fire treatments:
Roundtable Composition
The following governments and organizations are part of the Roundtable:
Meeting Summaries
Meeting Presentations and Planning Documents
Terms of Reference
The Williams Lake & Area Community Wildfire Preparedness Roundtable is facilitated by the Fraser Basin Council. You can reach the Roundtable by contacting:
Alex de Chantal
Regional Manager, Thompson-Okanagan