Report Pollution & Invasives
Worried about a spill or other source of water pollution? A possible algae bloom? An invasive species, such as zebra or quagga mussels? Here’s how to alert authorities about water pollution concerns.

To report an act of pollution, contact the RAPP line (Report All Poachers and Polluters)
To report a spill or other contamination source, contact the Provincial Emergency Program Spill Reporting Line
Zebra or Quagga Mussels and other Invasive Species
To report a suspected sighting of invasive Zebra or Quagga Mussels, contact the RAPP line
To report any other invasive species in the Shuswap, including Eurasian water milfoil, yellow-flag iris or potential new occurrences of invasive freshwater clams, you can instead submit your observations via the “Report Invasives” app. Your submission goes directly to staff at the BC Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy.
Algae Blooms
Top Banner Photo: Darren Robinson, Shuswap Tourism