Air Quality
Good air quality is important to our health. Here is a brief overview of key factors impacting air quality in the City of Kamloops and surrounding area.
Two air pollutants that pose the most serious health risks to residents:

What’s the Air Quality Today?
For up-to-date air quality information, check out these resources:
What are the Air Quality Challenges?
Particulate Matter
Ground-level Ozone
Nitrogen Oxides
Sulphur Dioxide
Other Pollutants: VOCs and Odorous Reduced Sulphur Gases
A Look at the Airshed

The Kamloops Airshed (indicated on the map) is defined by the topography of the valley. It extends from Campbell Creek in the east, to the airport in the west, north to Rayleigh, and south to the height of land in Knutsford and above Barnhartvale. Photo credit: “Air boundary,” courtesy of Ralph Adams, Ministry of Environment from the 2012 report What is in the Air We Breathe?. The City of Kamloops prepared this report as part of the development of its Airshed Management Plan. Check out both publications to learn about challenges and opportunities related to air quality improvement. Unless otherwise noted, the above overview of challenges is from What is in the Air We Breathe? and guidelines from the Southern Interior Air Zone Report (2011-2013).