Wood Smoke Info Portal
Residential wood burning is believed to be a significant cumulative source of fine particulate matter (PM) in BC, including in Prince George. Exposure to fine PM is linked to adverse human health impacts, such as asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems and premature death.
The Fraser Basin Council provides support to Prince George Air Improvement Roundtable and other initiatives to improve air quality. Here are some helpful tips and incentives for wood smoke reduction.
Wood Smoke Education Online Course
The Wood Smoke Education online course is an interactive learning tool designed to teach the owners and operators of wood stoves how to burn cleanly and efficiently and explain the benefits of doing so.
The course is now hosted on the PGAIR website. It is made up of the following modules, and should take participants from 40 minutes to an hour to complete:
Thanks to the Project Funders
The Wood Smoke Course was funded by Health Canada, PGAIR, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, City of Prince George and Breathe – the Lung Association of New Brunswick.
BC Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program
Check out the incentives for Prince George & Region!
The BC Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program offers incentives to encourage British Columbia residents to exchange older, smoky wood-burning appliances for low-emission appliances, including pellet and EPA-certified clean burning wood stoves or inserts.
New in 2024 is a $300 incentive for simply removing and decommissioning an old, smoky, non-emissions certified wood stove, without the need for an exchange.
So far, residents in the Prince George airshed have switched out over 450 old stoves for high-efficiency appliances and removed an estimated annual 42 tonnes of particulate matter (PM) emissions!
The program is possible thanks to a partnership of the Province of British Columbia, BC Lung, PGAIR, the City of Prince George and the RDFFG. The Fraser Basin Council supports PGAIR in this initiative. Details at Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program on the PGAIR site.
Video Series on Cleaner Burning
Here is a three-video series on how you can burn wood cleaner and reduce smoke.
These videos are also available for download in English and French (with voiceover) for use by school teachers and others in community education, provided attribution is provided. Together, let’s clear the air!
Support for the videos has been provided by Health Canada, the Province of British Columbia and PGAIR.
Wood Smoke: Tips for a Cleaner Burn
Burning Clean: It Starts with the Wood
Wood Smoke and Your Health
Video Series for download in English & Français
Série vidéo sur la fumée de bois
(en français)
Fumée de bois: conseils pour diminuer les effects de la fumée
Les bons feux: ça commence avec un bon bois
Votre santé et la fumée de bois
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Resident Tip Sheets
PGAIR offers helpful tip sheets for homeowners who burn wood: