Ecosystem Restoration
The Cariboo-Chilcotin Ecosystem Restoration Committee (CCERC) has worked since 2008 to identify and restore critical grasslands in the region.
The CCERC is a partnership between provincial and federal government, local First Nations, BC Cattlemen’s Association, various conservation societies and forest industry professionals. FBC offers support as secretariat.
The land base of the Cariboo-Chilcotin region has changed significantly in the last hundred years. Decades of fire suppression in what was naturally a fire-maintained ecosystem has contributed to more frequent and intense wildfires throughout the region, tree encroachment onto natural grasslands, losses in wildlife habitat and forage opportunities, and an in-growth of trees in previously open forests.
Ecosystem restoration is the process of assisting with the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed by re-establishing its structural characteristics, species composition and ecological processes. This is being addressed in areas of the Cariboo-Chilcotin in an effort to help mitigate some of the negative effects to the natural balance of the grasslands and forests.
The approach taken is a combination of thinning trees with a machine, hand slashing, removing trees, chipping, slash burning and prescribed burning. The treatments vary and depend on the goals of the prescription for each site.
Ecosystem Restoration Benefits
Through its project work, the Committee seeks to:

Here are key resources relevant to the Committee’s work:
Visit the CCERC website or contact the Steering Committee:
c/o Jane Wellburn
Regional Manager, Cariboo-Chilcotin (Fraser Basin Council)
Top banner photo: A prescribed burn in progress. Photo: BC Wildfire Service.