Searching for early FBC reports? Here’s a selection.
- Climate Projections for the BC Northeast Region (2019)
- Northeast BC Climate Assessment / Scoping Reports (2019)
- Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy Phase 1 Summary Report (2016)
- Showcasing Successful Green Stormwater Infrastructure – Lessons from Implementation (2016)
- Implementation of Community Sustainability Plans by BC’s Local Government (SPC:2016)
- Gardom Lake Management Plan (2015)
- Project Comeback: Creating vibrant rural communities by retaining and attracting a young adult population (2014)
- Clear Skies, Clean Air Teacher Resources package (2014-2016)
- Together Shuswap Secwepemc (SPC: 2014)
- SLIPP Final Report and Monitoring reports: See SLIPP archive
- Bridge Between Nations (2006 | Updated 2013)
- Integrated Community Sustainability Planning ― Implications for Rural BC (2012)
- Human Health Risk Assessment, Phase 1 report: Identifying Health Concerns Relating to Oil and Gas Development in Northeastern British Columbia (2012)
- Measuring & Reporting on Sustainability: A Report on Lessons Learned (2011)
- FBC Strategic Plan 2011-2016
- ReThinking our Water Ways: a guide to water and watershed planning for BC communities in the face of climate change and other challenges (2011)
- Charting our Course: Fishery Monitoring in the Pacific Region (M&C Panel: 2011)
- Do We Make it Official?: Recognizing Pacific Salmon as a BC Emblem (2011)
- Northern Fraser Youth Capacity Building for Watershed Governance (2011)
- BC Grapegrowers’ Association report: Climate and Feasibility Assessment of Growing Wine Grapes in the Lillooet-Lytton Area
- Building for the Future: the First 5 Years of the Fraser and Watersheds Program
(2010 | Access on the Pacific Salmon Foundation site)- Visit the PSF document library for other background documents
- The Fraser: A Canadian Heritage River (10-Year Monitoring Report 1998-2008) (2010 | Access on the Canadian Heritage Rivers site)
- First Nations Community Planning Resources Guide (2010)
- Environmental Protection in Flood Hazard Management (2010)
- Workshop Report: Innovations in Flood Management, the Environment and Sustainability (2010)
- Sustainability Snapshot 2010: Living and Working in the Lower Mainland
- Sustainability Snapshot 4 (Basin-Wide): The Many Faces of Sustainability (2009)
- Assessing Impact: Select 2009-2010 Community Profiles (SPC: 2010)
- Shuswap Lake Integrated Planning Process: Strategic Plan
- Also see SLIPP archive
- Transportation Demand Management: a small and mid-size communities toolkit
- Energy Efficiency & Buildings: A Resource for BC’s Local Governments (Revised: 2009)
- Summary and Recommendations for Youth Engagement from the BC Youth Congress (2009)
- An Estimate of the Public Amenity Benefits and Ecological Goods Provided by Farmland in Metro Vancouver (2009)
- Flood Hazard Area Land Use Management (2008)
- Hope Small Scale Food Processing Facility: Feasibility Analysis (2008)
- Sustainability Snapshot: A Picture of our Region – Upper Fraser (2008)Â | Map
- Sustainability Snapshot 3: Inspiring Action (Basin-Wide) (2006)
- The Fraser River Debris Trap: A Cost-Benefit Analysis (2006)
- Lower Fraser River Hydraulic Study: Summary of Results (2006)
- How is our Region Doing?: Thompson Region Indicators (2005)
- Lillooet-Lytton Tourism Diversification Project (2005)
- Sustainability Snapshot 2 (Basin-Wide) (2004)
- Sustainability Snapshot 1 (Basin-Wide) (2003)
- Sharing Information to Strengthen Rural Communities
- South Cariboo Community Profile (2004)
- Invasive Plant Strategy for BC (2004)
- Small Lot Agriculture in the District of Kent (2004)
- Drinking Water Review Panel – Final Report (2002)
- Nutrient Management Planning Strategies for the Fraser Valley (2001)