Scholarship Recipients
The Fraser Basin Council and the Scholarship Selection Committee warmly congratulate Kristina Disney and Sean O’Rourke, recipients of the 2024 Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health. Learn about their projects and those of earlier scholarship recipients.
2024 Scholarship Recipient
Kristina Disney

Groundwater Connects Community:
Community-based Monitoring of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions to Support Co-governance Planning in the Xwulqw’selu Watershed
Kristina Disney is the recipient of a $4,000 scholarship award in 2024. Kristina said she grew up farming in rural Saskatchewan and was raised on the land within a community that took care of one another. From the Prairies, she made her way east and studied at McGill University in Quebec. Soon after she caught the bug for fieldwork and began working in surveying, restoration and guiding. She moved around Canada, working mostly in northern communities or remote camps. Wherever she landed, she said she strove to rebuild strong community ties like those of her youth.
Kristina is now a PhD student at the University of Victoria. She began studying groundwater sustainability because, while the importance of healthy waters can never be overemphasized, groundwater is often underappreciated. She says it is often, pun intended, the “under dog.” Today she is very grateful to work and play in the traditional lands and waters on the unceded territory of the Quw’utsun’ People (Cowichan Tribes) and to put her energy and efforts towards the continued stewardship of the Xwulqw’selu watershed.
This research project aims to address the data scarcity that many communities face regarding the relationships between groundwater and surface water in the watersheds they steward and call home. It is a partnership project with Cowichan Tribes, Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, Cowichan Watershed Board and Koksilah Watershed Working Group.
Through the creation of a community monitoring program focused on the Xwulqw’selu Sta’lo, located on unceded traditional territory of Cowichan Tribes, the three main goals of the research are to: 1) develop a community-centric monitoring approach to support co-governance of groundwater and surface water as coupled systems, 2) gain a whole of watershed understanding of groundwater-surface water interactions through the synthesis of field data and 3) assess the monitoring program with the partners to understand how it can best serve the communities of Xwuqw’selu watershed as well as those beyond that are facing critical changes to their rivers and waters.
“I believe who we learn alongside with matters as much, if not more, than what we hope to learn, and I am so very grateful to receive support from the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship to continue our work with communities in the Xwulqw’selu watershed.”
— Kristina Disney
2024 Scholarship Recipient
Sean O’Rourke

Establishing a Management Plan for the T’eqt’aqtn Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area
Sean O’Rourke is the recipient of a $2,000 scholarship award in 2024. Sean is a PhD student in Forestry at the University of British Columbia and is the Director of Lands and Culture for ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓mx (Kanaka Bar Indian Band) in the Fraser Canyon. He has worked for ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓mx since 2020 and lives in the community, but is originally from Vancouver. Although his background is in anthropology and archaeology, Sean’s current research and work largely focuses on protecting and healing the territory of ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓mx and how this relates to upholding the community’s unique culture and way of life.
In his spare time, Sean enjoys exploring the biodiverse forests and ecosystems of ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓ (Kanaka Bar) and documenting the unusually large trees and numerous endangered species that live here.
Sean’s PhD research entails collaboration with the ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓mx Elders Circle to create the management plan for zuminstm e tmíxʷ kt ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓ (also known as the T’eqt’aqtn Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area, or IPCA). The knowledge, values and teachings of Elders of each of the families that make up ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓mx, as well as other knowledge holders, will be blended with western science to establish an IPCA management plan that is equally grounded in Indigenous Knowledge and western science.
The plan will be produced using a community-based participatory research design. It will be informed by extensive community engagement (workshops and interviews) as well as literature review (archival research of historic land management at T’eqt’aqtn, landscape planning “best practices,” and conservation science). The plan will guide IPCA management including ecosystem restoration, governance structure, land-zoning, permitted activities and access restrictions.
“I am grateful to receive the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health as it will help my PhD research and support my work with ƛ̓əq̓ƛ̓áq̓tn̓mx (Kanaka Bar Indian Band) by enabling me to purchase a new laptop. Kʷukʷscémxʷ.”
— Sean O’Rourke
Previous Scholarship Recipients
2023 Recipients
Christy Juteau received a $4,000 scholarship in 2023. A professional biologist who specializes in watershed ecology, she engaged in participatory research to address the complex problem of coastal Indigenous peoples being disconnected from their traditional tidal food sources through colonial prohibition and ongoing pollution. She worked on a project that focused on pathways towards the restoration of Indigenous shellfish harvest in Semiahmoo Bay, a transboundary coastal ecosystem and home to Semiahmoo First Nation.
“This funding will enable this important work to continue, to raise awareness about the value of shellfish harvest revitalization and coastal ecosystem health, so that watershed governance will be transformed and coastal Indigenous communities might be reconnected to feasting from the tidelands once again. This is an important step towards reconciliation action. I will use these funds to mobilize the knowledge we’ve gained so far through writing papers, presenting at conferences and sharing Semiahmoo First Nation’s stories with decision makers.”
— Christy Juteau
Judy Wu, recipient of a $2000 scholarship, is a doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University under the supervision of Dr. Hasina Samji. She has always been passionate about environmental conservation and action, which led her to pursue a BSc in Biological Sciences at the University of British Columbia (UBC) with a focus on ecology. During her undergraduate studies, Judy also developed a passion for mental health and well-being advocacy and decided to complete a Master of Public Health (MPH) at UBC. During her MPH, Judy came across the opportunity to combine her interests in environmental action and mental health well-being, which resulted in her current doctoral work. Outside of her research work, Judy enjoys getting out in nature by going on hikes and sea kayaking. Other hobbies include Muay Thai, listening to podcasts (especially Radiolab), drawing/sketching and spending time with her family.
“I am incredibly thankful to receive this award and grateful that the mental health effects on climate change are becoming increasingly recognized, particularly in youth — who are the ones that are disproportionately impacted by the current climate crisis.”
— Judy Wu
2022 Recipients
Micah May received a 2022 scholarship as a MSc candidate at the University of Victoria. His research was focused on determining the optimal methods of providing erosion control in reservoir drawdown zones through revegetation while also seeking to increase native species biodiversity, build long-term soil stability, and strengthen local community involvement. His work focused on the Williston Reservoir in Northern BC where he researched solutions to help reduce dust emissions that pose environmental and health risks for local inhabitants.
“This scholarship recognizes the challenges faced by Tsay Keh Dene Nation because of the dust storms that occur along the Williston Reservoir and will support the sharing of solutions they are pursuing to improve the health of their land and people.”
— Micah May
Ezra Yu received a 2022 scholarship to support work on his Master’s degree in Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia. His research focused on the effects of residential noise on children’s language development and the corresponding remediation effects of urban greenspace. He sought to see a shift in health policy and to make positive contributions to local communities.
“The Elizabeth Henry scholarship helps solidify my aspiration to sustain healthy communities in British Columbia through engaging in knowledge translation that improves policy development in this important, yet understudied, area of research.”
— Ezra Yu
2021 Recipient
Bonny Lynn Donovan received a 2021 scholarship as a PhD candidate in Community Engagement, Social Change and Equity at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan. The scholarship helped support Bonny Lynn in her collaborative research work with Syilx First Nation communities to explore the role that the land, language reclamation, Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Elders can play in developing ecological literacy in young Syilx children.
“Being the recipient of the 2021 Elizabeth Henry Scholarship means that I can move forward in my program with confidence, knowing that I have the financial means to meet costs associated with an advanced degree.”
— Bonny Lynn Donovan
2020 Recipients
Dana received a 2020 scholarship to support her Master’s program research project “Reproductive Ecology of Female Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) in Southern British Columbia.” She worked in collaboration with the Osoyoos Indian Band and Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre, which have facilitated one of the longest-running snake research programs in Western Canada.
“I am grateful for the gracious support of the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship and the opportunity to continue to collaborate with the Osoyoos Indian Band and Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre on this vital research.”
— Dana Eye
As a Rehabilitation Sciences PhD student at the University of British Columbia, Justin received a 2020 scholarship to help support research undertaken in collaboration with Carrier Sekani Family Services on”Wildfire Smoke and Emergency Planning for First Nations People Living with Lung Disease in Remote and Rural British Columbia.”
“I feel honoured and grateful to receive the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship in support of my collaborative work with Carrier Sekani Family Services, which will contribute to improved wildfire response practices for Dakelh First Nations people in north central BC. Maarsi (thank you in Michif).”
— Justin Turner
2019 Recipient
Jack Baker, while completing a Master’s program in Anthropology at the University of Victoria, received a 2019 scholarship in support of his project “Community Dialogues on Revitalizing Cultural Practices Around Seaweed.” The research, undertaken in collaboration with Hul’qumi’num communities on southeastern Vancouver Island, focused on edible marine seaweed over which there were concerns for both status and safety. This project was part of a broader effort of the communities to revitalize cultural practices, language and food systems.
“Many thanks are due to the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship’s support of our project, which works with Hul’qumi’num Elders and younger generations to connect and revitalize knowledge and practices related to lhuq’us.”
— Jack Baker
2018 Recipient
As a Masters student in the Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Dare received a 2018 scholarship to support his research on “Mapping Waste Governance in Relation to the Informal Recycling Sector.” The projected aimed to empower the marginalized individuals who contribute immensely to environmental sustainability through waste recovery.
“I am indeed grateful for, and highly motivated by the support of, the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship of a project that seeks to empower marginalized individuals who work assiduously in promoting environmental sustainability through waste recovery.”
— Dare Sholanke
2017 Recipients
Ada received a 2017 scholarship to support her Master’s program research at the University of British Columbia: “Gitxaala Nation’s Community Garden Program: A Case Study of Operationalizing Food Sovereignty.” Working in partnership with Gitxaala Nation, Ada centred her research on the role of the community garden project and other local food production activities in supporting food sovereignty in the community.
“The support of the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship exemplifies, in the Sm’algyax language, bax laansk – or how we can come together in collaborative research and in decolonizing approaches toward a just and sustainable food system.”
— Ada Smith
As a Masters student at the University of Victoria’s School of Environmental Studies, Kim-Ly Thompson received a 2017 scholarship to support her research work on “We Monitor by Living Here: The Gitga’at Environmental Knowledge Project.” Kim-Ly’s research was designed with community leaders to inform a Gitga’at-owned monitoring program intended to document information and knowledge produced by Gitga’at people while harvesting and preparing traditional coastal resources.
“I am very grateful for the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship’s support of a project that aims to bolster the voice of Gitga’at harvesters and knowledge holders in the ongoing stewardship of their territory in a time of rapid social and ecological change.”
— Kim-Ly Thompson
2016 Recipients
A Master of Science student in the Occupational and Environmental Hygiene program at at the University of British Columbia, Matthew received a 2016 scholarship to support his research project: “Characterizing the Impacts of Residential Wood Burning on Air Quality in British Columbian Communities.” The project was aimed at developing a new cost-effective method that uses innovative mobile monitoring equipment to detect the specific signature of PM2.5 from woodsmoke and characterize its impact on small BC communities.
A member of the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation and a Registered Professional Forester with extensive natural resources management experience, Andrea received a 2016 scholarship as a PhD candidate at the University of British Columbia. Her research focused on “Indigenous Perspective of the Forests and How Forest Governance Could Become More Culturally Relevant.” Using Indigenous and transformative methodologies, the study was designed to engage Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis citizens in participatory action research and to consider sustainable land use that provides for a local economy and protects traditional uses of the forests.
A member of Nadleh Whut’en First Nation and fisheries biologist for the Secwepemc Fisheries Commission in Kamloops, Michelle received a 2016 scholarship to help support graduate work at Thompson Rivers University with a focus on “Identifying Thermal Refugia and Their Use by Chinook Salmon in a Temperature Sensitive Stream.” Her research aimed to document the quantity and quality of cool water habitats in the Deadman River. The work included characterizing spatial and temporal patterns of thermal habitat (cool and warm areas) and determining Chinook use of cool water areas at different life stages.