Wildfire Resources

Educational Presentations & Videos

The Community Wildfire Roundtables hosted a series of free public presentations in May 2023 — in Lillooet, Clinton, Williams Lake, Quesnel and Clearwater — to help homeowners take a FireSmart™ approach to home maintenance and security. This is the video of the Williams Lake presentation.

(Alan Westhaver, ForestWise Environmental Consulting Ltd.) This is an online presentation from May 5 for the Community Wildfire Roundtables that serve Williams Lake, Clinton and Clearwater. The presentation was delivered by Alan Westhaver who has held senior positions in the wildland fire program in Canada’s national park system and worked on wildfire risk reduction for over 30 years.

(Alan Westhaver, ForestWise Environmental Consulting Ltd.)

This video features fuel management initiative in three Interior First Nations communities (including Esketemc and Kluskus) and use of biomass material

Research, Articles, Tip Sheets & Case Studies

Browse this topical selection of materials relevant to the work of BC’s community wildfire roundtables.

Learning to Live with Fire: State of Wildfire in BC. Donalds, Barnett, Brandes, Kries and O’Riordan.

Walking on two legs: a pathway of Indigenous restoration and reconciliation in fire-adapted landscapes. 2021. Dickson-Hoyle et al.

Situating Indigenous knowledge for resilience in fire-dependent socialecological systems. 2021. Copes-Gerbitz et al.

A Disrupted Historical Fire Regime in Central British Columbia. 2021. Brookes et al.

Social fragmentation and wildfire management: Exploring the scale of adaptive action. 2019. Paveglio et al. Internat J Disaster Risk Reduction.

Cost and Productivity of Tethered Cut-to-Length Systems in a Dry-Forest Fuel-Reduction Treatment: A Case Study. 2019. Pettitmermet et al. Forest Sci.

Money to Burn: Investing in Proactive Fire Management. 2019. Regenold and Rojas. Nat Resources and Environ.

Covering wildfires: Media emphasis and silence. 2018. Taylor and Francis Online.

Should we leave now? Behavioral factors in evacuation under wildfire threat. 2019. McLennan et al. Fire Tech.

Collaborations and capacities to transform fire management. 2019. Schultz and Moseley. Science.

Wildfire exposure to the wildland urban interface in the western US. 2019. Ager et al. App Geog.

Archetypes of community wildfire exposure from national forests of the western US. 2019. Evers et al. Landscape and Urban Plan.

Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Mitigation Desk Reference Guide. 2019. US National Wildfire Coordinating Group.

Social Vulnerability and Wildfire in the Wildland- Urban Interface: Literature synthesis. 2019. Coughlan et al. U Oregon Instit Sustain Environ, Ecosystem Workforce Program, Working Paper 96.   Annotated bibliography.

Air-quality challenges of prescribed fire in the complex terrain and wildland urban interface surrounding Bend, Oregon. 2019. Miller et al. Atmosphere.

[US] Federal Agencies’ Efforts to Reduce Wildland Fuels and Lower Risk to Communities and Ecosystems. 2019. US Govt Accountability Office, Rpt.   Highlights | Full Report

The Role of Previous Fires in the Management and Expenditures of Subsequent Large Wildfires. 2019. Belval et al. Fire.

Cost-effective fuel treatment planning: a theoretical justification and case study. 2020. Kreitler et al. Internat J Wildland Fire.

Understory recovery after low- and high-intensity fires in ponderosa pine forests of northern Idaho. 2017. Gucker et al. (compilers). In: Fire Effects Information System, US-FS Rocky Mtn Research Station, Fire Sci Lab. Research Project Summary.

Wildfires Alter Forest Watersheds and Threaten Drinking Water Quality. 2019. Hohner et al. Accounts of Chem Research.

Characterizing fire effects on conifers at tree level from airborne laser scanning and high-resolution, multispectral satellite data. 2019. Klauberg et al. Ecol Modelling.

Examining post-fire vegetation recovery with Landsat time series analysis in three western North American forest types. 2019. Bright et al. Fire Ecol.

Integrated fire severity–land cover mapping using very-high-spatial-resolution aerial imagery and point clouds. 2019. Arkin et al. Internat J Wildland Fire.

The Cost-Effectiveness of Satellite Earth Observations to Inform a Post-Wildfire Response. 2019. Bernkopf et al.  Resources for the Future, Work Paper 19-16.

Assessing Risk in a Postfire Landscape: Are Currently Available Tools Good for the Local Land Owner? 2019. Driscoll and Friggens. Natural Areas J.

Physical Vulnerabilities from Wildfires: Flames, Floods, and Debris Flows. 2019. Neary and Leonard. IN: Human impact on the Environment.

Fine-scale assessment of cross-boundary wildfire events in the western US. 2019. Palaiologou et al. Nat Hazards Earth Systems Sci.

Giving Ecological Meaning to Satellite-Derived Fire Severity Metrics across North American Forests. 2019. Parks et al. Remote Sens.

Attribution of the Influence of Human‐Induced Climate Change on an Extreme [BC] Fire Season. 2018. Kirschmeier-Young et al. Earth’s Future.

Effects of Climate Change on Ecological Disturbance in the [US] Northern Rockies. 2018. Loehman et al.  IN: Climate Change and Rocky Mountain Ecosystems. Advances in Global Change Research, Springer.

A Double Whammy: Climate Change and Stand-Replacing Wildfires. 2019. Parks. US-FS, Rocky Mtn Research Center, Sci You Can Use: Dec 2019.

Protecting Construction Sites from Wildfires. BC Construction Safety Alliance. 2024.

Fire behavior and ecological effects of burning masticated forest fuels. 2018. Morgan et al. [US] Northern Rockies Fire Sci Network, Research Brief.

Marshall Woods Restoration Project – Challenges to building consensus and conveying fire hazard mitigation and ecological restoration needs to the public. 2018. Keville. [US] Northern Rockies Fire Science Network, Field Trip Summary. OTHER KEYWDS: Missoula, MT.

Lolo Peak Fire 2017: From the wilderness to the wildland urban interface. 2018. Mutch. [US] Northern Rockies Fire Science Network, Field Trip Summary. OTHER KEYWDS: Missoula, MT.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Missoula County, Montana. 2018 update. Mowery and Johnson. Board of County Commissioners.

Tribal fire and forest management: Confederated Salish-Kootenai fire history, philosophy, and resource management strategies. 2018. Wynecoop. [US] Northern Rockies Fire Science Network, Field Trip Summary. OTHER KEYWDS: western MT.

Common Ground on the Role of Wildfire in Forested Landscapes of the Western US. 2018. Moritz et al. Science for Nature and People Partnership et al. Research Brief.

The Forest Resiliency Burning Pilot Project. 2018. Washington State Dept Natural Resources.

2018 Pacific Northwest Fire Season Summary. 2019. US-FS and US Bureau of Land Mgmt.

Managing for Fire Refugia in the Northwestern US. 2019. Meddens and Martinez. Outcomes of the second fire refugia workshop in the Northwest. US Northern Rockies Fire Sci Network.

The Effect of Previous Wildfires on Subsequent Wildfire Behavior and Post-Wildfire Recovery. 2019 update. Stevens-Rumann et al. US Northern Rockies Fire Sci Program, Sci Review 1.

Applications of simulation-based burn probability modelling: a review. 2019. Parisien et al. Internat J Wildland Fire.

Using unplanned ignitions: Evolution of [US] Forest Service policy. 2019. Brown. Fire Mgmt Magazine.  Scroll down to pages 37-42.

Wildfire run halted by proactive treatments. 2019. Kroke. Fire Mgmt Magazine. Scroll down to pages 48-49.

A century of changing fire management alters ungulate forage in a wildfire-dominated landscape. 2019. Proffitt et al. Forestry: Internat J Forest Research.

Polycentric systems for wildfire governance in the Western US. 2019. Kelly et al. Land Use Policy.

Short-interval wildfire and drought overwhelm boreal forest resilience. 2019. Whitman et al. Sci Rpts.

Short- and long-term effects of ponderosa pine fuel treatments intersected by the Egley Fire Complex. [NE] Oregon, USA. 2019. Dodge et al. Fire Ecol.

Fire FAQs—What is forest fuel, and what are fuel treatments? 2019. Fitzgerald et al. Oregon State U, Extension Service.

Prescribed Underburning in Southwest Oregon: A Case Study. 2019. Bennet and Main. Oregon State U, Extension Service.

Firestorm: How wildfire will shape our future. 2019. Struzik. Island Press.

The impact of wildfires on particulate carbon in the western USA. 2019. Requia et al. Atmospheric Environ.

Modeling the cost effectiveness of fire protection resource allocation in the US: models and a 1980-2014 case study. 2019. Behrendt et al. Risk Analysis.  .

Western [US] Rx fire science research burn: Extending southeastern prescribed fire lessons and science to the west. 2019. Wynecoop et al.  N Rockies Fire Sci Network, Field Trip Summary.