Fraser Basin Council
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Horsefly River Restoration Projects


Between 2019 and 2024 Fraser Basin Council’s Cariboo-Chilcotin staff team oversaw salmon habitat restoration projects designed to improve the condition of spawning and rearing habitat for threatened local salmon population in riparian areas along the Horsefly River and on four Horsefly River tributaries:

  • Woodjam Creek
  • Kroener Creek
  • Tisdall Creek and
  • Black Creek

The Horsefly River flows nearly 100 km from its source near Wells Gray Provincial Park to Quesnel Lake, and drains 2750 km2 of the Interior Plateau. This river and its tributaries are critical for the spawning, rearing and migration of sockeye, chinook and coho salmon.

Interpretive signage about the sites can be viewed on Horsefly Lake Road adjacent to a walking trail that follows the Horsefly Spawning Channel.

The projects were supported with funding from the Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk, the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the Healthy Watersheds Initiative. The works, undertaken by contract project manager Steve  Hocquard, were overseen by FBC in collaboration with the Horsefly River Roundtable, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Learn More

For more information, contact:

Jane Wellburn, Regional Manager

About the Fraser Basin Council

The Fraser Basin Council (FBC) is a charitable non-profit organization that brings people together to advance sustainability in British Columbia.

Where We Work

We are grateful to live and work on the unceded ancestral territories of the Indigenous Nations of British Columbia.

Our Vision

Social well-being supported by a vibrant economy and sustained by a healthy environment.

Strategic Priorities

At the Fraser Basin Council, our strategic priorities are to take action on climate change, support healthy watersheds and water resources, and build sustainable and resilient communities.

With our partners, we work on a range of collaborative, multi-sector initiatives, such as those focused on flood management, community wildfire planning, air quality improvement, energy-efficient buildings, green transportation (including the uptake of electric vehicles and expansion of charging infrastructure), watershed planning and youth-driven climate action projects.

FBC Program Sites

Plug in BC:


ReTooling for Climate Change:

FBC Youth:

Climate Action Toolkit: 

Salmon-Safe BC

Realizing UNDRIP Initiative

Contact Us

FBC staff work from our Vancouver, Kamloops, Williams Lake and Prince George offices, and from several other locations.

To reach us, see FBC Offices and FBC Staff or contact our administration office:

Fraser Basin Council
1st Floor, 470 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1V5

T: 604 488-5350
