Learning Grant Program
The First Nations Home EnergySave (FNHES) Learning Grant Program is a Fraser Basin Council initiative aimed at building the capacity of Indigenous individuals to advance energy efficiency through training and skills development.
The initiative is part of the First Nations Home EnergySave Program, which supports peer learning and shared success stories among BC First Nations communities working to reduce home energy use and build local capacity.

About the Grants
FBC is making a limited number of small financial grants available to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students to assist them in advancing their education or career development. Each Indigenous student can receive up to $1,000 in funding to support energy efficiency-focused learning opportunities. Up to 25% of the grant ($250) can be used to purchase supplies such as books or tools which are required for the learning opportunity.
Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for a grant, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Deadline to Apply
Applications are open! FBC will accept applications on a continuous basis until the funding for the current program year has been exhausted.
Application Review and Follow-up
FBC will review each application and aim to respond within two weeks.
Learn More
Please contact the Program Coordinator for the First Nations Home EnergySave Program:
Alwyn Rutherford
Thanks to Real Estate Foundation of BC, Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI), BC Hydro, FortisBC and CMHC for supporting the First Nations Home EnergySave initiative.