BC First Nations Caribou Recovery Implementation Fund

Applications are now closed for the most recent round of funding from the provincial BC First Nations Caribou Recovery Implementation Fund.
This page is for general information. Please check back for future funding opportunities.
About the Initiative
The BC First Nations Caribou Recovery Implementation Fund (FNCRIF) has been developed to provide an additional means for First Nations communities and organizations to advance recovery efforts for threatened caribou herds in British Columbia. The fund is envisioned to generate new, collaborative, First Nations-led caribou recovery actions rooted in traditional knowledge and scientific understanding.
Two streams of funding — seed funding for developing a project proposal, and multi-year funding (1 to 2 years) for implementation of a recovery initiative — are designed to offer flexibility, support in development, and consistency for longer-term initiatives.
FNCRIF is focused on projects that support and promote the recovery of caribou listed as “threatened” under the federal Species and Risk Act (SARA) and includes the following herds: Boreal, Southern Mountain-Northern Group, Southern Mountain – Central Group, and Southern Mountain – Southern Group.
These materials are for information only. The most recent funding round closed for applications on November 15, 2024.
How Projects are Chosen for Funding
The FNCRIF Advisory Committee provides the external and final review to support a transparent and fair proposal process and recommends approval of proposals for funding to Fraser Basin Council (FBC). Proposals submitted to the program will be subject first to an administrative screening for completeness and eligibility by FBC staff. Eligible proposals will be forwarded to the Provincial Caribou Recovery Program team for review for potential conflicts or alignment with provincial caribou recovery strategies.
Please note: more complex applications may require thoughtful consideration. If an application cannot be reviewed in the application review window, they will be managed as part of the next funding intake period. If this occurs, all parties (including the FNCRIF Advisory Committee) will be notified.
The FNCRIF Advisory Committee will provide a final technical review aimed at ensuring that technically sound proposals are put forward for funding. This Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually and revised as needed.
Additional Information
BC Government Caribou Recovery Program
Glossary of caribou terms
Caribou habitat restoration funding
Indigenous Work on Species at Risk
For more information about the fund or application process, contact us:

Mountain Caribou. Photo: Government of British Columbia | Doug Heard